1. General
    1. These terms and conditions of use (Terms of Use) apply when You use the intermediation services (Service) of Montonio Finance OÜ (Montonio), which provides You with a hire purchase and/or pay later service provided by AS Inbank Finance (registry code 16197915; the Creditor). Further information is available on Montonio’s website and on the Creditor’s website.
    2. Montonio may, at any time and without notice, unilaterally change the Terms of Use, change the content of the Service or stop providing the Service,
  2. Use of Platform
    1. Montonio intermediates the possibility for You to request the Creditor to pay for a product or service (the Product) sold or offered by a merchant (the Merchant) in several instalments (pay later service) or to request the Creditor to provide consumer credit (financing service) to pay for the Product. The platform used by Montonio to provide the Service (the Platform) will direct You to the Creditor, where You will be able to submit a relevant application to finance the Product (i.e. apply for a Credit) and, in case of a positive decision on the part of the Creditor, enter into a contract directly with the Creditor (the Credit Agreement).
    2. Montonio does not guarantee that it will be possible to apply for Credit from a Creditor 24/7 through the Platform. The availability and functionality of the Creditor’s systems and their operation are the responsibility of the Creditor and Montonio shall not be liable to any extent.
    3. When using the Services, You must follow the instructions displayed to You, complete all required fields and provide the requested information and ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided.
    4. By using the Services, You acknowledge that You have read and agree to the Terms of Use.
    5. You may not use the Services for the purpose of entering into a Credit Agreement on behalf of a third party or for the purpose of engaging in any unlawful acts or transactions or in any other manner prejudicial to the interests and/or rights of others.
    6. Should You breach any of the obligations set out in the Terms of Use, we have the right to restrict or block Your access to the services provided by Montonio.
  3. Credit Decision process and entry into Credit Agreement
    1. Montonio and the Creditor have a legal obligation to collect, verify and store personal data about all of its customers. We therefore have access to Your personal data. The personal data You provide will be processed in accordance with the applicable law and under the conditions described in Montonio’s Privacy Policy, available here.
    2. Among other things, the Creditor verifies Your identity, assesses Your eligibility to apply for Credit and other circumstances, assesses Your creditworthiness on the basis of the application You have submitted and the data visible in the databases, asks for additional information and explanations if necessary, and makes a positive or negative decision (Credit Decision) on the basis of the information collected, which the Creditor will notify You of at the end of the Credit application process. The Credit Decision is entirely at the discretion of the Creditor (Montonio is not involved in the Credit Decision process) and Your application for Credit does not guarantee a positive Credit Decision. You do not have the right to demand a positive Credit Decision from the Creditor or Montonio.
    3. In the event of a negative Credit Decision, the Creditor will redirect You back to the Merchant’s online store, where You will be able to make the purchase using another payment method. In the case of a positive Credit Decision, this is a binding offer by the Creditor to enter into a Credit Agreement with You in the form prescribed by the Creditor. In order to enter into a Credit Agreement, You must follow the instructions of the Creditor, read the terms and conditions and, if You agree to them, enter into a Credit Agreement with the Creditor.
    4. Montonio does not enter into a Credit Agreement with You on behalf of the Creditor, does not assume any obligations on behalf of the Creditor in connection therewith and does not become a party to the Credit Agreement in any way or under any circumstances.
    5. You agree that the Creditor will transfer the Credit provided to You under the Credit Agreement through Montonio to Merchant for payment for Merchant’s Product and that the Credit will not be credited directly to Your Account. The Credit shall be deemed to be issued to You at the time it is issued by Montonio to the Merchant.
    6. The Credit does not form part of Montonio’s bankruptcy assets and cannot be recovered in enforcement proceedings. In the foregoing cases, You and the Creditor shall retain all statutory rights to the Credit.
    7. The Credit Agreement and the related documents and other information to be provided have been prepared by the Creditor. We ask You to read them carefully and to make sure that the terms of the Credit Agreement meet Your needs and financial situation before entering into the Credit Agreement. You always have the right to contact the Creditor if You have any questions about the Credit Agreement or if You need additional information to make a decision.
  4. Entry into and performance of sales agreement, performance of Credit Agreement
    1. From the moment of the conclusion of the Credit Agreement, the agreement for the sale of the Product is deemed to be concluded between You and the Merchant, after which the Merchant undertakes to deliver the Product to You. The Creditor shall inform Montonio and Montonio shall inform the Merchant of the conclusion of the Credit Agreement and the financing of the Product by the Credit immediately after the conclusion of the Credit Agreement.
    2. We request that You always make payments due under the Credit Agreement directly to the Creditor. Under no circumstances will Montonio or Merchant collect payments under the Credit Agreement. All questions, claims, proposals for amendments, etc. relating to the performance of the Credit Agreement are to be settled directly between You and the Creditor.
    3. The costs of returning a Product ordered from Merchant’s online store shall be borne by You, unless You have agreed otherwise with Merchant. If You wish to withdraw from the sales agreement with the Merchant or if You have any complaints or questions regarding the sales agreement, please contact the Merchant directly.
  5. Fees
    1. Use of Montonio Services is free for You. Intermediation fees are paid to Montonio by the Creditor.
  6. Limitation of liability
    1. Montonio is not responsible for any financial decisions made by You or for the proper performance of the sales agreement entered into between the Merchant and You (including in relation to the Product and the quality of the Product).
    2. Montonio does not guarantee a positive Credit Decision or the conclusion of a Credit Agreement with You and shall not be liable for any consequences or damages arising from the Credit Agreement.
  7. Settlement of disputes
    1. Please feel free to contact us if You have any questions about our Service or if You wish to file a complaint. You can contact us by email, orally or in writing. Please describe the circumstances of the complaint as thoroughly as possible and provide any supporting documentation. Contact details: Montonio Finance OÜ Kai 1, Tallinn, Estonia 10111 support@montonio.com
    2. We try to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. We will let You know if there are likely to be delays in the complaint handling process.
    3. Regardless of whether You lodge a complaint, and regardless of the outcome of the complaint, You have the right to contact the competent supervisory authority to protect Your rights or turn to the court of your residence.

Contact details for the dispute resolution authorities

Contact details of the court

Authority Website Email Address

Contact details of the supervisory authorities

Institution Website Email Address
Sakala 4, Tallinn, Estonia